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We strive to offer our clients a comprehensive one-stop wealth management experience. Trust, reliability, empathy, prudence and innovation drive our actions. We are committed to making a positive contribution to our clients’ quality of life and the achievement of their goals. For the long-term context, wealth management includes an in-depth 360-degree analysis of your current and evolving financial life.

Samuel Brière, CIM, B.A.A. Photo
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Samuel Brière, CIM, B.A.A.

Senior Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.

Samuel Brière, CIMMD, B.A.A.

SENIOR Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.


Samuel graduated from HEC Montréal with a degree in financial markets and began his career as an investment advisor in 2013. To continue offering his clients the very best strategies, Samuel trained to qualify as a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®), the highest designation available in the industry, held by less than 5% of advisors across Canada. Since then, he has won many titles and awards, including: Top Work Ethic, and Rising Star. While managing a growing clientele and an expanding team, Samuel still enjoys playing a number of sports, which fosters his balance and concentration at work.

Lucka Girouard, B.A.A. Photo

Lucka Girouard, B.A.A.

Associate Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Marc-Antoine Filion Savard, B.A.A.  Photo

Marc-Antoine Filion Savard, B.A.A.

Investment Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Tommy Roy, B.A.A. Photo

Tommy Roy, B.A.A.

Investment Advisor, MANULIFE WEALTH INC
Laura Ceparu Photo

Laura Ceparu

Financial Security Advisor, Manulife Wealth Insurance Services Inc.
Natasha Sohan Photo

Natasha Sohan

Administrative Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Jeremy-Mathieu Cholette, B.A.A. Photo

Jeremy-Mathieu Cholette, B.A.A.

Administrative Assistant, Manulife Wealth Inc.